
At Dynamic, we make it incredibly simple to add a Fiat onramp solution to your SDK integration. We are currently working with Banxa and other great onramp solutions will be made available soon.


To enable an onramp solution:

  1. Go to your developer dashboard and go to the Configurations page.
  2. Go to the Onramp Providers Card
  3. Review and agree to Banxaā€™s Terms and Conditions.
  4. Once confirmed, enable the Banxa onramp provider.
    1. Note: if you enable it on Sandbox, then youā€™ll be using Test Order. Reference Banxaā€™s test information so you can easily test in sandbox.


Youā€™re done. In the Dynamic widget, users will now see a ā€œBuyā€ button that will open up a fiat onramper iFrame.